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How EQ Finance could help

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Here are some suggestions, but bear in mind that designing a bespoke solution might be most appropriate.

Who are you?




Board Members (including non-execs

Courses and coaching on risk and the business of derivatives



Senior managers / executives

Courses and coaching on risk and the business of derivatives



Pension fund CIO / trustee

Course on hedging and yield enhancing



Risk manager

Courses and bespoke training

In depth advisory on exotic risks and reserving policies

Tools for model validation and risk calculations

Investment / asset / wealth manager

Practical courses on using derivatives

Advisory e.g. on Structured Products

Tools to analyse and risk manage S.P. portfolios (scenarios and stresses),
valuation and pricing

Buyside structurer



The generic exotic pricer included in EQF Addin

Prop trader / Hedge fund

Courses and bespoke training


Tools for trading, calibration hedging, risk

Accountancy, Auditors


Advisory on portfolio valuation, model validation and reserving policies

Tools for valuation model validation, especially the generic exotic pricer

HF administrators


Valuation advice

Tools for valuation, calibration and validation


Courses and bespoke training 

Advisory on derivatives and overall risk

software for exotics


Course on knowing the sell-side



Junior trader

Most of the training applies



Others (e.g. journalists, researchers, etc)

Derivatives big picture 



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